Currently on Exhibit:
IM•PROMPT•U by LoSo Studios Artists
The Im•Prompt•U exhibition explores how pairs of artists respond differently to creative prompts. Inspirational prompts in the form of words, phrases, or concepts were collected from the artists at LoSo studios, and then each individual drew from the collection. Each artist was then tasked with creating two artworks - one based on the prompt they drew, and another based on the prompt they put in.
The result was a unique body of work - diverse in media, execution, and presentation. The works for each prompt are displayed in pairs, calling attention to each artists' interpretation of the prompt, and highlighting the conceptual similarities and differences across each artwork.

About LoSo Studios
LoSo Studios is a nexus of creativity and collaboration contained within a friendly and relaxed environment. Our mission is to help foster a unique sense of place and creative identity within the fast-growing development of Charlotte's Lower South End.
113 Freeland Lane
Charlotte, NC